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Releases: mottosso/cmdx


30 Nov 10:11
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  • Node.dump() now preserves the order in which attributes are present on a node #42
  • Added the MYPY token to avoid false positives in some static analyzers (eg Pylance from VsCode is Python3-only, so it doesn't know about Python2 types like basestring). #41
  • Also imports typing to add support for type hinting (IDE-only as typing is not included in Maya's Python distribution). #41

Thanks to @benblo for all of these!


08 Oct 11:15
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Usability improvements and bug fixes.

  • Added time argument to Plug.asDouble(), Plug.asVector(), and getAttr().
  • Added Plug.append(autofill) to perform a search for the first unconnected value of an array to reuse potentially disconnected plugs and optimise space.
  • Implemented consistent default unit of Seconds for time plugs.
  • Added AngleUiUnit(), TimeUiUnit(), and DistanceUiUnit().
  • Updated DGContext to use Seconds by default.
  • Added unit argument to DGContext to support evaluating in different time units.

DGContext support two different syntaxes for passing in a time unit:

with cmdx.DGContext(1, cmdx.Minutes):
# Or
with cmdx.DGContext(cmdx.Minutes(1)):


26 Sep 13:58
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A bunch of usability improvements.

  • Removed unused NODE_REUSE and PLUG_REUSE environment variables, these were initially proof-of-concept but it's safe to say they were a success and now a fundamental part of cmdx.
  • Added Seconds, Milliseconds, Minutes and UiUnit() as units for plug reading. UiUnits being a function, since the actual value changes when the user edits Maya's global preferences
  • Improved cmdx.Divider to actually let you control the attribute name (used to be automatic and clever)
  • Added plug.writable for a convenient way of spotting whether you can actually write to a plug
  • Added plug.default to fetch a plug's default value, taking attribute type into account. Similar to cmds.attributeQuery(listDefault=True)
  • Added ability to write a 16-tuple as a matrix (rather than having to manually cast it to a MMatrix
  • Added Node.reset() and DGModifier.resetAttr() to reset an attribute to its default value
  • Added MatrixType to handle indexing and future more-granular index manipulation.
  • Fixed node["myTimeAttr"].read() such that it returns a float rather than an int
    • NOTE: There is a still a discrepancy between what is read and written; read returns a value in the current UI-unit, whereas write takes a value in Seconds. Writing currently doesn't massage the values you put into it so it's a little harder to control at the moment. The same is true for reading of degrees, which takes radians as input. Luckily, both API and UI defaults to centimeters for distance-type attributes.
  • Added cmdx.DagNode.boundingBox and BoundingBox.volume() for computing the volume of any DagNode (approximate, based on whatever bounding box information Maya has already got about your object)


# Before
if not node["tx"].connected and not node["tx"].locked:
  node["tx"] = 5

# After
if node["tx]".writable:
  node["tx"] = 5


A much simplified manner in which to reset an attribute to whatever value was its default.

# Before
plug = node["myAttr"]._mplug
attr = plug.attribute()
type = attr.apiType()
assert type == om.MFn.kNumericAttribute
default = om.MFnNumericAttribute(attr).default
node["myAttr"] = default

# After

Also works with undo.

with cmdx.DGModifier() as mod:


26 Sep 13:06
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Improved support for reading plugs at arbitrary times.

Say you have a node with an animated translateX

tx = cmdx.create_node("animCurveTL")
tx.keys(times=[1, 2, 3, 4], values=[0, 10, 20, 33], interpolation=cmdx.Smooth)
node = cmdx.create_node("transform")
node["tx"] << tx["output"]

And you wanted to know the value at frame 3. You could either..

assert node["tx"].read() == 20
cmds.currentTime(1)  # Restore time

Which would alter the global timeline for everything in Maya, and provide you with the value for this one node.

Or you could..

assert node["tx"].read(time=3) == 20

Which is great for one-off reads, but once you get just a few of these, passing in an explicit time each time can get tedious, hard to read.

Since cmdx 0.4.5 and Maya 2018+ you can now leverage Maya's MDGContext.

context = om.MDGContext(om.MTime(3, unit=om.MTime.uiUnit()))
assert node["tx"].read() == 20
om.MDGContext.kNormal.makeCurrent()  # Restore "context"

On top of this, you can also leverage the new context manager, cmdx.DGContext with the optional cmdx.Context alias.

with cmdx.Context(3):
   assert node["tx"].read() == 20

Thanks to @monkeez for this addition!


18 Sep 05:49
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Add convenience aliases, to visually separate between what is an attribute, and what is a data type.

  • Mat4 = MatrixType
  • Matrix4 = MatrixType
matrix = cmdx.Matrix4()
node["myMatrixAttribute"] = cmdx.MatrixAttribute()
node["myMatrixAttribute"] = matrix


  • EnumAttribute = Enum
  • DividerAttribute = Divider
  • StringAttribute = String
  • MessageAttribute = Message
  • MatrixAttribute = Matrix
  • LongAttribute = Long
  • DoubleAttribute = Double
  • Double3Attribute = Double3
  • BooleanAttribute = Boolean
  • AbstractUnitAttribute = AbstractUnit
  • AngleAttribute = Angle
  • TimeAttribute = Time
  • DistanceAttribute = Distance
  • CompoundAttribute = Compound
  • Double2Attribute = Double2
  • Double4Attribute = Double4
  • Angle2Attribute = Angle2
  • Angle3Attribute = Angle3
  • Distance2Attribute = Distance2
  • Distance3Attribute = Distance3
  • Distance4Attribute = Distance4


25 Aug 12:47
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Added support for writing to Matrix plugs.

node = cmdx.createNode("transform")
node["translate"] = (1, 2, 3)
node["rotate", cmdx.Degrees] = (20, 30, 40)

# Create a new matrix attribute
node["myMatrix"] = cmdx.Matrix()

# Store current world matrix in this custom attribute
node["myMatrix"] = node["worldMatrix"][0].asMatrix()
  • See #9 for details


23 Aug 06:04
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Improved Maya 2021 support. See #8 for details.


22 Aug 12:25
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First public release.