This project was my coursework in the university course BI-PGR (Computer Graphics) at FIT CTU. It is a 3D Scene written in C++ with OpenGL. Some functionality is also provided by the pgr-framework we had available during this course.
The directory contains a Release folder containing a file called SpaceBase.exe which is a launchable version of the project. The second folder called src contains the source code for this project.
- W, A, S, D: Camera movement
- Mouse: Looking around
- Alt + W: Movement upwards irrespecitve of the camera angle
- Alt + S: Movement downwards irrespecitve of the camera angle
- RMB: Bring up a menu to toggle camera lock and choose specific camera views.
- LMB: Interaction with specific objects.
- Q: Attach the camera to the flying airplane.
- N: Make the camera fly along a spline curve
- R: Reloads the config file and updates the appropriate game objects