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DRAFT: Rhino 1.7.15 Release Notes

Paul Bakker edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 22 revisions





ECMAScript features

  • #1052 ES2022 Object.hasOwn() (@archethic)
  • #1061 ES2020 Promise.allSettled() (@grob)
  • #965 ES2019 Optional Catch binding (@tuchida)
  • #934 ES2017 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors (@tuchida)
  • #961 ES2015 Regex y flag (Sticky) (@rbri)
  • ECMA-402 Added new INTL_402 feature flag in Context (@rbri)
  • ECMA-402 Support for (single) Locale param on .toLocaleLower/UpperCase methods of String (@rbri)

Non-ECMAScript features

All features


All bug fixes

  • Proper handling of Symbols in JSON.stringify (@rbri)
  • Properly send the key parameter as String into .toJSON(key) for array indexes (@rbri)


All performance enhancements

Java Interop

All Java Interop related cases

Embedding Rhino

  • #1012 Rhino now ships with a console.log/debug/warn/... implementation
    The console is only enabled by default in the Shell
    Embedders who choose to can include it in their embedding by calling NativeConsole.init(...), providing an implementation of NativeConsole.ConsolePrinter as 3rd parameter

All Rhino embedding related cases

Test262 suite


  • #1163 proper import package instructions in the OSGi manifest (@makusuko)


  • #1159 reformatted all remaining files to confirm to our formatting rules (@tuchida)


  • #1185 Made sure the language stats on the GitHub repo are correct (@pbakker)


This release contains more than ??? commits from ?? contributors. Thanks to everyone who helped!