Since 14 years old , I Found interest in playing Video Games , I Loved Playing Video Games , so I was wondering why not learn how these things are built and made ? , My Brother Had a Windows Vista at the time and I Always enjoyed playing games like GTA , NFS and etc.. , I didn't really focus on learning how computers work until the age of 20 I really got into these things I really struggled getting to the right track , but I finally got into the right track and here I am always learning and dedicated to learning new things from ethical hacking and web development to how Computer systems are built , I am only following my passion since doing the things you love will lead to success and here I am , I always look at the positive side of things , which allows me to be more creative and solve problems. I Love working in a team , working in a team makes things more productive. Lastly I always love giving back , I follow one rule which I created "Learn From Mistake".
CTF Player TryHackMe
- 🌱 I’m currently learning MERN ,MEVN Stack and Web Pentesting(OSCP)