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Home Assistant Configuration

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform running on Python 3. Track and control all devices at home and automate control.
I have mine running on with HASSIO on a Raspberry Pi 3, but will be integrating it into a Docker Service across a Swarm of 6 Pi's for redundancy in future iterations. This repository represents my configuration files to make my Home Automation magic happen. I run a CICD pipeline w/ Travis CI successes being pushed to my 'production Pi'.

Master Build Status

My Home Assistant Layout

Home Assistant Components Used

Philips Hue Google Home Slack Google Chromecast
Vera IFTTT Pushbullet Apple TV
Rachio Netamo Cisco Webex Teams


Routines are designed to move with your life flow. They are made to meet the day to day needs to interact with your house. Examples could be thought of as: I'm out of bed and need to:

  • Turn on my normal morning lights
  • Make Coffee
  • Wake the kids
  • Listen to the news

For my configuration, I'm using a conversation with Google Home to execute the below:

Morning I'm up / Good Morning Execute Morning Automation
Going to bed I'm going to bed Execute Goodnight Automation
In Bed I'm in bed / Goodnight Execute INSIDE LIGHTS OFF Scene
Fresca Hours Sandra's still working Execute FRESCA SCENE
Leaving I'm leaving Turn all lights off, set Upstairs and Downstairs to 85


Scenes can be thought of as a static snapshot to set a mood. You can use them at times when you need a specific group of lights to be on. Another use is that it may be too dark in the house due to an overcast. These could also be used when trying to view a Movie, or set a Holiday mood.

Morning Scene Set morning lights
Goodnight Scene Turn off all INSIDE LIGHTS except MASTER
Inside Lights Toggle of INSIDE LIGHTS
Outside Lights Toggle of OUTSIDE LIGHTS
Fresca Scene Turn off all INSIDE LIGHTS except FRESCA Lamp

Automations and Triggers

Automations are a blend of a Routine and a static Scene. A morning Routine could trigger the Morning Lights Scene PLUS make you coffee AND wake the kids! Or, a trigger could be considered to turn on the Inside Lights Scene 30 minutes prior to sunset, and turn off 30 minutes before sunrise.

Auto Lights -30m Sunset Turn on INSIDE LIGHTS
Evening Lights +10m Sunset Turn on OUTSIDE LIGHTS
Sunrise Lights -30m Sunrise Turn off OUTSIDE LIGHTS
Morning Morning Routine MORNING SCENE, Boil water kettle, Broadcast: "Good Morning", Play the news in the Master
Goodnight G2B Routine GOODNIGHT SCENE, Turn off TV, Broadcast: "Goodnight"

Inspiration and Support

Thanks to all the people in the gitter community for listening and help

And thanks to all the devs that create the Home Assistant magic