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bngal command details

Matt Selensky edited this page May 23, 2024 · 9 revisions


IMPORTANT NOTE: The bngal documentation has moved and these Wiki pages are no longer maintained! Please visit for the most up-to-date documentation.

Run bngal-build-nets --help for details:

Usage: bngal-build-nets [options]

	-a ASV_TABLE, --asv_table=ASV_TABLE
		(Required) Taxonomic count table named by Silva- or GTDB-style taxonomies
                        (i.e., d__DOMAIN;p__PHYLUM;c__CLASS;o__ORDER;f__FAMILY;g__GENUS;s__SPECIES). Ideally rarefied and filtered as necessary.
                        * First column must be named 'sample-id' and must contain unique identifiers.
                        * Must be an absolute abundance table.
                        * If the input table is collapsed higher than level 7 (ASV/OTU), be sure to specify the --taxonomic_level option accordingly.

	-m METADATA, --metadata=METADATA
		(Required) Sample metadata corresponding to asv_table. Must be a .CSV file with sample identifiers in a column named `sample-id.`

	-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
		Output directory for network graphs and data.
                        * Default = bngal-results

		Metric for pairwise comparisons. Can be one of 'pearson' or 'spearman'.
                        * Default = spearman

		Numeric transformation to apply to input data before correlation calculations.
                        Can be one of 'log10'.
                        * Default = NULL

	-r CORR_COLUMNS, --corr_columns=CORR_COLUMNS
		Metadata columns to include in pairwise correlation networks.
                        * Multiple columns may be provided given the following syntax: 'col1,col2'
                        * Default = NULL

	-k CORR_CUTOFF, --corr_cutoff=CORR_CUTOFF
		Absolute correlation coefficient cutoff for pairwise comparisons.
                        * Default = 0.6

	-p P_VALUE, --p_value=P_VALUE
		Maximum cutoff for p-values calculated from pairwise relationships.
                        * Default = 0.05

	-f ABUN_CUTOFF, --abun_cutoff=ABUN_CUTOFF
		Relative abundance cutoff for taxa (values 0-1 accepted). Anything lower than this value is removed before network construction.
                        * Default = 0

	-x CORES, --cores=CORES
		Number of CPUs to use. Can only parallelize on Mac or Linux OS.
                        * Default = 1

		Metadata column by which to split data in order to create separate networks.
                        * If not provided, bngal will create a single network from the input ASV table.
                        * Default = NULL

		Taxonomic level at which to construct co-occurrence networks. Must be at the same level or above the input --asv_table.
                        Can be one of 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family', 'genus', or 'asv'
                        * Default = asv

	-d DIRECTION, --direction=DIRECTION
		Direction for --abun-cutoff. Can be one of 'greaterThan' or 'lessThan'.
                        * Default = 'greaterThan'

	-s SIGN, --sign=SIGN
		Type of pairwise relationship for network construction. Can be one of 'positive', 'negative', or 'all'.
                        * Default = 'all'

	-b OBS_THRESHOLD, --obs_threshold=OBS_THRESHOLD
		('Observational threshold') Minimum number of unique observations required for a given pairwise relationship to be included in the network.
                        * Default = 5

	-g GRAPH_LAYOUT, --graph_layout=GRAPH_LAYOUT
		Type of igraph layout for output network plots.
                        * Refer to the igraph documentation for the full list of options:
                        * Default = 'layout_nicely'

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit


Run bngal-summarize-nets --help for more details:

Usage: bngal-summarize-nets [options]

	-a ASV_TABLE, --asv_table=ASV_TABLE
		(Required) Taxonomic count table named by Silva- or GTDB-style taxonomies
                        (i.e., d__DOMAIN;p__PHYLUM;c__CLASS;o__ORDER;f__FAMILY;g__GENUS;s__SPECIES). Ideally rarefied and filtered as necessary.
                        * First column must be named 'sample-id' and must contain unique identifiers.
                        * Must be an absolute abundance table.
                        * If the input table is collapsed higher than level 7 (ASV/OTU), be sure to specify the --taxonomic_level option accordingly.

	-m METADATA, --metadata=METADATA
		(Required) Sample metadata corresponding to asv_table. Must be a .CSV file with sample identifiers in a column named `sample-id.`

	-w NETWORK_DIR, --network_dir=NETWORK_DIR
		(Required) Input network data. Should be parent folder of `bngal-build-nets` output. Output subfolders will write here as well unless --output is specified.

	-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
		Optional output folder. May be useful if one desires to test multiple `-f` inputs on the same network data.

		Taxonomic level at which to construct co-occurrence networks. Must be at the same level or above the input --asv_table.
                        Can be one of 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family', 'genus', or 'asv'
                        * Default = asv

		Metadata column by which to split data in order to create separate networks.
                        * If not provided, bngal will create a single network from the input ASV table.
                        * Default = NULL

	-f FILL_EBC_BY, --fill_ebc_by=FILL_EBC_BY
		Metadata column by which to fill EBC composition plots.
                        * Default = NULL

		Determines whether output EBC composition plots are exported as interactive HTMLs (TRUE) or static PDFs (FALSE)
                        * Default = FALSE

	-x CORES, --cores=CORES
		Number of CPUs to use. Can only parallelize on Mac or Linux OS. Currently, bngal can only run on multiple cores when --subnetworks is provided.
                        * Default = 1

	-q QUERY, --query=QUERY
		A query string to construct co-occurrence plots for a specific taxon.
                        Be sure to use the full taxonomic ID as appropriate for the given taxonomic level as noted in the *taxa_spread.csv output in the network-summaries subfolder.
                        Multiple queries may be provided given space characters: 'Archaea;Crenarchaeota Bacteria;Actinobacteriota'
                        * Default = NULL

	-s SKIP_PLOTTING, --skip_plotting=SKIP_PLOTTING
		Skip the plotting of taxonomic barplots and EBC composition plots. Useful if you want to test multiple --query inputs on the same data.
                        * Default = FALSE

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit
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