- Node.js
- Express.js
- InfluxDB
Sensor to direct DB using port 8086 (to save time processing), more info.
Save per 5 second data into file then transfer to DB
(starts the server)influx
(starts the CLI)
Tags followed by values followed by ts | Only tags are indexed values are not
- vehicle,driverId=sethia,tripId=123 engineSpeed=3,throttle=123.9,vehicleSpeed=3 99500000000
- Last trips (label, duration, km) list
- Last trips (label, duration, km) details per trip
- Driver Profile (according to trips) + No. of trips
- User table - label
- Trips [ with label, userid, tripid]
- Individual trips [ all details - speed, load, lat long per second]
- car [car details]
Through API in some time interval as given in Official Doc.
- Driver logs into the device, selects his car
- Starts the car
- A request is sent to server as soon as car starts to fetch a trip ID and driver ID
- Trip Session starts
- If car haven't got the driver ID it will hit server again in every 5 sec to get the driver ID. [limit - 10 times]
- A reminder to owner can be sent that his car has started.
- Connect Mobile and car using bluetooth
- When car starts user should connect his mobile using bluetooth before starts
- Car Audio system (if available) will alert him to connect if he is not.
- If he forgets to connect trip will registered in the name of the owner, Later on Owner can change the driver by creating a request which driver have to accept to get registered for that trio.
- Car will know the driver ID if he is connected if not then car will assume owner as the driver.
Once after training model, we can tell how driver is driving at every point.