Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I am passionate about technology, software development, and problem-solving. This README serves as an introduction to my work and contributions.
- π I'm currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering.
- πΌ I'm enthusiastic about software development, machine learning, and cybersecurity.
- π± I love learning and continuously improving my skills.
- π I enjoy reading technical blogs and research papers.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
- Fully functional mobile app for children's stories.
- Technologies: Flutter Dart | Firebase Firestore.
- Available on Google playstore
- Repository: Kids Universe
- JourneySync: fully documented, cutting-edge travel planning application, Integrating tools for itinerary creation, booking, real-time collaborations, etc.
- Technologies: React JS | Flutter | Dart | Node JS | Devopps |Mongodb | Google cloud services.
- A demo will be available soon.
- Repository: jounrneySync
- Implemented in C, and covers key OS concepts such as process management, system calls. It offers a realistic yet simplified environment to gain practical experience in OS development while fostering a strong understanding of operating system principles.
- Technologies: operating systems | C,c++.
- Demo: Not available.
- Repository: PintOS
Feel free to explore my repositories for more projects and contributions.
I'm an active contributor to open-source projects and communities. Here are some notable contributions:
These are some of the key skills I've developed during my journey:
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, React
- Mobile app development: Flutter, React Native
- Databases: MySQL , Firebase Firestore, sqLite
- Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, Linux
I'm always open to networking and collaborating on interesting projects. You can connect with me through the following platforms:
- GitHub: Github/muthumala19
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn/muthumala19
- Email: [email protected]
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or opportunities for collaboration.
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. I'm excited about the future of technology and the possibilities it holds. Let's connect and build something amazing together!