WorldClock for you. With 198 countries.
- 198 countries.
- Flags' pictures
- Auto update date/time EVERY MINUTE
- Search by type or choose from list
- Allows places from same timezone
- Keeps history during app startup/shutdown
- Click to remove any timezone at any time.
"Navigation Drawer" is added. All the added timezones are shown in the first fragment.
- "New Timezone" fragment allows to add new timezone in the database.
- Application uses current system time but it should allow customized time (upto 12 hours) on either side of "Home Timezone" (Code is there but is commented & needs to be fixed - HomeFragment::OnCreateView).
- "About" remains blank. Can/Should be customized as per needs.
I do not claim any rights to any resources (found freely on the web) used in this application. They belong to the original author.