Using docker. (If you got docker installed)
Manual set up.
####Set up via docker
docker-compose up
####Manual setup.
install virtual env
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Create the virtual environment
virtualenv .pycon_venv # (This command is specifying the version of python to use when creating the virtual env) virtualenv .pycon_venv
Activate the virtual env
source .pycon_venv/bin/activate
Install USSD airflow and its dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply the migrations created.
python manage.py migrate
Verify screens are valid.
python manage.py validate_ussd_journey ./register_app/customer-journey.yml
Run the server
python manage.py runserver 8000
For this workshop we recommend either of the following options
1. Using ngrok to serve youer application locally
2. Deploying to heroku
####Configuring ngrok
(Ngrok will be used route USSD traffic from your phone to the USSD server we have just runned)
Download ngrok from https://ngrok.com/download
Unzip ngrok unzip /path/to/ngrok.zip
Run ngrok
./ngrok http 8000 #If you are running the server on a different port. Use that port here.
heroku login
heroku create
# deploying command
git push heroku master
##Obtaining a short code.
Copy the URL generated by Ngrok. Sample URL Sample URL http://b58131f5.ngrok.io Either http or https is fine
Using your browser visit http://nginx.africastalking-ussd-routing.fb8146d3.svc.dockerapp.io/
Post the URL generated by ngrok to receive a short code
Dial via you cell phone and interact with the menus that you have created.