Every link must contain one of "name", "backref", "label", "target" and "multiplicity." Failure to enter one of these fields will result in an error. If a subgroup is present, it must be listed first in each cell. A subgroup is specified using brackets. [name1, name2]
is an example of an entry in the <link_name>
column that specifies the names of two links that belong to a subgroup. The names are seperated by a comma. If there is a subgroup and a nongroup link, it must be notated with the subgroup first, [name1, name2], name3
. Creation of more than one subgroup per node is not currently supported.
Only ASCII characters are allowed. Quotes cannot be used at the beggining or end of values, however quotations within a value are allowed. Example:
Valid: And the person said, "I feel great" at the end of the exam.
Invalid: "And the person said, "I feel great" at the end of the exam."
Invalid: "And the person said, I feel great at the end of the exam."
Entries in the terms column are references to the location of the term definition. If more than one reference is used, they are comma separated.
terms |
_#areference, _#anotherreference |
Enumerations are listed in the options column(s). Each cell should hold less than 32000 characters. Any given enum should not be split into two seperate columns, much like a word should not be split across two pages. Each enum is seperated by the pipe character "|" and is formated as enumName {enumDefRef1, enumDefRef2}
. The name of the enum appears first followed by the references (if any) of the enumeration definition contained as comma seperated values inside a pair of braces.
This tool uses native order dictionaries and therefore must be run on a python version 3.7 or above. The tool also assumes input yaml files have valid yaml syntax.
To convert tsv files to yaml files:
From the terminal enter into the folder where tsv2yaml.py is found.
python tsv2yaml.py -terms et -nodes ../examples/tsvs/nodes_dcf.tsv -var variables_dcf.tsv -out ../dcf_demo/
Commandline arguments:
-terms: Optional argument. Assign to be "at" if desired yaml will not use any term/enum references or definitions and "et" if output yamls are to have term references but no enumDefs
-nodes: The location of the nodes tsv you want to use
-var: The location of the variables tsv you want to use
-out: The destination of the yaml files. Creates a new folder if it does not already exist.
This tool ignores _settings', '_definitions', '_terms', 'project', 'program' yamls.
To convert yaml files to nodes and variables tsvs:
From the terminal enter into the folder where tsv2yaml.py is found. Run
python yaml2tsv.py -y ../examples/dcf_schemas/ -t ../tsvs/ -d dcf
Commandline arguments:
-y: The location of the yaml files or specific yaml file.
-t: The destination for the output tsvs
-d: The name of the data dictionary.