import sbt._
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
scalaVersion := "2.11.8" // or "2.10.6"
val libraryVersion = "1.2.2" // or "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-core" % libraryVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-generic" % libraryVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-macro" % libraryVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-state" % libraryVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-refined" % libraryVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-law" % libraryVersion % "test"
// for @Lenses macro support
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" %% "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)
- Motivation
- Lens Creation
- Generic Optics and Instance Location Policy
- Optics Hierarchy
- Modules
- Maintainers and Contributors
- Contact
Monocle is a Lens
library, or more generally an Optics library where Optics gather the concepts
of Lens
, Traversal
, Optional
, Prism
and Iso
. Monocle is strongly inspired by Haskell Lens.
Optics are a set of purely functional abstractions to manipulate (get, set, modify) immutable objects. Optics compose between each other and particularly shine with nested objects.
Scala already provides getters and setters for case classes but modifying nested object is verbose which makes code difficult to understand and reason about. Let's have a look at some examples:
case class Street(name: String, ...) // ... means it contains other fields
case class Address(street: Street, ...)
case class Company(address: Address, ...)
case class Employee(company: Company, ...)
Let's say we have an employee and we need to set the first character of his company street name address in upper case. Here is how we could write it in vanilla Scala:
val employee: Employee = ???
company =
address =
street =
name = // luckily capitalize exists
As you can see copy is not convenient to update nested objects as we need to repeat at each level the full path to reach it. Let's see what could we do with Monocle:
import monocle.Lens
val name : Lens[Street , String] = ??? // we'll see later how to build Lens
val street : Lens[Address , Street] = ???
val address: Lens[Company , Address] = ???
val company: Lens[Employee, Company] = ???
(company composeLens address composeLens street composeLens name).modify(_.capitalize)(employee)
// you can achieve the same result with less characters using symbolic syntax
import monocle.syntax.apply._
(company ^|-> address ^|-> street ^|-> name).modify(_.capitalize)(employee)
ComposeLens takes two Lens
, one from A to B and another from B to C and creates a third Lens
from A to C.
Therefore, after composing company
, address
, street
and name
, we obtain a Lens
from Employee
to String
(the street name).
In the above example, we used capitalize to upper case the first letter of a String
It works but it would be clearer if we could use Lens
to zoom into the first character of a String
However, we cannot write such a Lens
because a Lens
defines how to focus from an object S
into a mandatory
object A
and in our case, the first character of a String
is optional as a String
might be empty. For this
we need a sort of partial Lens
, in Monocle it is called Optional
import monocle.function.Cons.headOption // to use headOption (a generic optic)
import monocle.std.string._ // to get String instance for HeadOption
(company composeLens address
composeLens street
composeLens name
composeOptional headOption).modify(_.toUpper)(employee)
Similarly to composeLens, composeOptional takes two Optional
, one from A to B and another from B to C and
creates a third Optional
from A to C. All Lens
can be seen as Optional
where the optional element to zoom to is always
present, hence composing an Optional
and a Lens
always produces an Optional
(see class diagram for full inheritance
relation between Optics).
For more examples, see the example
There are 3 ways to create Lens
, each with their pro and cons:
The manual method where we construct a
by passingget
functions:import monocle.Lens val company = Lens[Employee, Company]( c => e => e.copy(company = c)) // or with some type inference val company = Lens((_: Employee).company)( c => e => e.copy(company = c))
The semi-automatic method using the
blackbox macro:import monocle.macros.GenLens val company = GenLens[Employee](
Finally, the fully automatic method using the
macro annotation.@Lenses
for every accessor of a case class in its companion object (even if there is no companion object defined). This solution is the most boiler plate free but it has several disadvantages:- users need to add the macro paradise plugin to their project.
- requires access to the case classes since you need to annotate them.
import monocle.macros.Lenses @Lenses case class Employee(company: Company, name: String, ...) // generates Lens[Employee, Company] // and : Lens[Employee, String] // you can add a prefix to Lenses constructor @Lenses("_") case class Employee(company: Company, name: String, ...) // generates Employee._company: Lens[Employee, Company]
Note: GenLens
and @Lenses
are both limited to case classes
, Prism
, Lens
, Optional
, Traversal
and Setter
are all type aliases for more general polymorphic optics,
for example here is the definition of Lens
type Lens[S, A] = PLens[S, S, A, A]
object Lens {
def apply[S, A](get: S => A)(set: A => S => S): Lens[S, A] =
This is a completely fine Scala definition and it will work perfectly in your code. However, if you try to create optics in the REPL you will probably encounter a similar error:
scala> import monocle.Lens
import monocle.Lens
scala> case class Example(s: String, i: Int)
defined class Example
scala> val s = Lens[Example, String](_.s)(s => _.copy(s = s))
s: monocle.Lens[Example,String] = monocle.PLens$$anon$7@46aa4219
scala> val i = Lens[Example, Int](_.i)(i => _.copy(i = i))
<console>:13: error: object Lens does not take type parameters.
val i = Lens[Example, Int](_.i)(i => _.copy(i = i))
We managed to create the first Lens
but the second call to apply
failed. This is a known bug in the REPL which is
tracked by SI-7139. You will also face this error if you use tut
to create documentation.
A generic optic is an optic that is applicable to different types. For example, headOption
is an Optional
some type S
to its optional first element of type A
. In order to use headOption
(or any generic optics), you
need to:
- import the generic optic in your scope via
import monocle.function.Cons.headOption._
orimport monocle.function.all._
- have the required instance of the type class
in your scope, e.g. if you want to useheadOption
from aList[Int]
, you need an instance ofCons[List[Int], Int, List[Int]
. This instance can be either provided by you or by Monocle.
Monocle defines generic optic instances in the following packages:
for standard Scala library and Scalaz classes, e.g.List, Vector, Map, IList, OneAnd
for Shapeless classes, e.g.HList, CoProduct
An example shows how to use Monocle imports.
- Core defines the main library concepts: optics, typeclass, syntax. Core only depends on scalaz for type classes.
- Law defines properties for optics using discipline and scalacheck.
- Macro defines a set of macros to generate optics automatically.
- Generic is an experiment to provide highly generalised Optics using shapeless.
The current maintainers (people who can merge pull requests) are:
- Julien Truffaut - @julien-truffaut
- Ilan Godik - @NightRa
- Naoki Aoyama - @aoiroaoino
and the contributors (people who committed to Monocle).
If you have any question, we have a gitter channel and a mailing group