- set up your Laravel site
- download and set up WordPress in a separate folder within your public folder, e.g., /public/wordpress
- Place the wordpress-to-laravel-mvc directory to your /public/wordpress/wp-content/themes/ directory, and then choose that theme from your Wordpress dashboard
- Add the following lines to the top of your /public/index.php file (before the boostrapping):
| WordPress
| Integrate WordPress with Laravel core
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
require __DIR__.'/../public/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php';
- Place WordPressServiceProvider.php into your /app/Providers directory
- add the following line to the config/app.php 'providers' array:
- Check if a post or page URL slug exists within WordPress:
// Returns an object with a post type
- Build Heirarchical menu based off of WordPress Menus:
WordPressServiceProvider::menu('My Awesome Menu', 1);
// returns a menu object. The second parameter is the current page ID
- Get a specific page or post object by ID:
// returns a post object
- Query for specific posts or pages using the WP_Query syntax:
// returns an array of post objects