Application to facilitate requests and monitoring of employee assets in the company. Facilitate the process of checking asset availability, requesting asset loans, and monitoring assets, where company assets will be supervised by the admin and approved by the manager.
- Go Language
- Godotenv
- Labstack Echo
- Mysql
- Docker
CICD (Github Action)
AWS S3 Bucket
Role Base Login User
Create, Read, Update Application
Create, Read, Update Procurement
Create, Read Asset
Read, Update Item
Read Employee
Scope of Limitation:
Category : Laptop, Alat Tulis Kerja, Kendaraan, Lainnya
Role : Employee, Admin, Manager
To run this project, you will need to set up the following environment variables to your .env file
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd group5-capstone-project
Install dependencies
go mod tidy
go get
Setup .env from template.env
nano/vim template.env
Start the server
go run ./app/server.go
To run tests, run the following command
go test ./...
This project is used by the following companies:
- Group 5 Avenger Employee Management Asset