This tidy data set contains 1,599 red wines with 12 variables and 4898 white wines with 11 variables on the chemical properties of the wine. At least 3 wine experts rated the quality of each wine, providing a rating between 0 (very bad) and 10 (very excellent). For the sake of analysis, I combined both datasets into one dataset. I created a new variable designating the type of the wine, whether red or white wine.
The datasets were provided by Udacity under their Data Analyst Nanodegree program.
Packages Needed to run the project:
In order to run the project, you will need to have the following R packages installed:
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- reshape2
- RColorBrewer
- GGally
- gridExtra
This project also comes with an HTML file. You could use the html file if you cannot run the project.