Welcome to the NashCalc Game Theory Calculator Prototype
Resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koHvLZkfmVZ1JqvQaXxrCAGBeWYqXPgocr3aKMm2IfA/edit
How to Contribute
To Install: 1. git clone https://github.com/nashcalc/prototype.git 2. navigate to root directory ...cd prototype 3. npm install 4. pip install requirements.txt
To Start: 1. navigate to root directory ...cd prototype 2. npm start 3. open a new terminal/cmd prompt window 4. cd prototype/api 5. flask run 6. Get solving!
Key Tasks:
Currently focused on finishing v1 and preparing gambit integration for n player extensions of current game implementations
Feel free to contribute as you see fit!
Please get in touch with me if you have any questions: [email protected]
Future Features:
Take a look at gambit + other libraries for future feature ideas / opportunities
Approximate feature roadmap: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RZujZt8qM5HGe2zr7-2UWy83omNnGKIroRp1M7GaRZw/edit