A shareable page that allows users to quickly figure out when they can meet to collaborate.
Dylan, 11am, 1/23/17, Ver. 0.1 - Updated master branch with html and javascript files.
Nathan, 5pm, 1/23/17, Ver. 0.2 CalendarGenerator.js - Added grid and days of the week.
Nathan, 4pm 1/25/17 Ver. 0.3 CalendarGenerator.js - Indexed calendar and added static times 8AM-8PM
Dylan, 1pm, 1/30/17, Ver. 0.4 CoordinateTracker - detects the day, added CSS file and moved some things.
Nathan, 10am 2/3/17, Ver. 0.4 CalendarGenerator.js - fixed time colors Ver. 0.5 CoordinateTracker - creates live rendering box that disappears on mouseUp
Dylan, 1pm 2/3/17, Ver. 0.5 - calendar.css - added centering and global variables to css.
Dylan, 4pm 2/3/17, Ver. 0.6 - CoordinateTracker.js - detects and alerts day and time range that the user has selected
Fei & Kevin, 8am 2/8/17, ver. 0.7 CoordinateTracker.js -Update the database via RESTful API and setup database in db.py
Fei 5pm, 3/1/17 load the data from database files change: Controller: 'default.py' View: 'default/index.html', 'default/group.html' Static/js: 'BoxGenerator.js', 'CoordinateTracker.js', 'GroupCalendar.js'
Nathan 4pm 2/20/17. ver. 0.8 CoordinateTracker.js -Fixed dragging issues for box
Dylan 6pm 2/22/17. ver 1.1 CoordinateTracker.js - split sections into 7ths for 10 minute intervals and added tooltips
Dylan 2pm 3/3/17. ver 1.2 Undo.js - added undo functionality through ctrl+z to delete events. Will not update with the SQL
Kevin, 3/6/17. ver 1.3 Setup.js -Setup all the necessary parameter and cache locally. Dynamically load user profile depend on URL/cache