Releases: ncsuSEAL/Bayesian_LSP
Releases · ncsuSEAL/Bayesian_LSP
Treat autumn senescence differently to account for the issue that the summer greendown in EVI2 makes threshold-based phenometrics biased early in autumn.
- Support both 6- and 7-parameter double-logistic functions.
- Support using a threshold-based method to retrieve more phenometrics including Greenup, MidGreenup, Maturity, Peak, Senescence, MidGreendown, and Dormancy.
- Fix bugs
Add support for using Microsoft Planetary Computer to download Landsat EVI2 time series.
Upload logo src file and gee sample data
The simple BLSP model and instructions to install the computing environment. The version is consistent with the published paper (Gao et al., 2021).