The goal of clipboardjs is to wrap clipboard.js for easy use in Shiny.
You can install the development version of clipboardjs like so:
# install.packages("remotes")
Here's a demo of adding Copy buttons that copy the output of other UI elements to the user's clipboard;
ui <- fluidPage(
# Tests
# Add copying to action*
withCopy(actionLink("copyb1", "Copy", icon = icon("clipboard")), target = "tout"),
withCopy(actionButton("copyb2", "Copy", icon = icon("clipboard")), target = "tout2"),
# Quick Copy button
copyButton("cp1", target_id = "tout3", icon = icon("clipboard")),
# Define the text you want to copy
copyButton("cp2", text = "This is the text you want!", label = "Copy Text"),
# The value is changed server side
copyButton("cp3", text = "You'll never see this!", label = "Copy from Server"),
# Testing area
textInput("text", label = "Input", placeholder = "Paste here to check")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$tout <- renderText("The first copy")
output$tout2 <- renderText("Second copy")
output$tout3 <- renderText("Third copy")
# Server side copy
updateCopyText("cp3", "This has been updated from the server.")
shinyApp(ui, server)