restHttpServer is a lightweight HTTP server base on Netty, target for RESTFul API.
- Router based on method and path
- Regular expression pattern matching for paths
- Path parameter support
- KeepAlive support
- Exception handle and readable json response
Running below code to start a HTTP server.
RouterTable routerTable = new RouterTable();
Also you can define the routers like below
routerTable.get("/hi").handler(context -> context.response().setBody("hello world"));
is the core concept of restHttpServer, which stores all routers.
Router likes a mapping between path & method
and handler
RouterTable support basic HTTP METHOD and it's able to dispatch the request via different path and method. below are some examples
//Support different http method
routerTable.get("/hi").handler(context -> { });"/hi").handler(context -> { });
routerTable.delete("/hi").handler(context -> { });
routerTable.put("/hi").handler(context -> { });
routerTable.patch("/hi").handler(context -> { });
//Support path parameters
routerTable.get("/customers/{id}").handler(context -> { });
//Regular expressions can be used to match path.
routerTable.get("/hey.*").handler(context -> { });
The object that gets passed into the handler is a RouterContext, which stores both request and response. below are some examples about how to use it.
routerTable.get("/customers/{id}/contacts").handler(context -> {
HttpServerRequest request = context.request();
HttpServerResponse response = context.response();
request.getQueryParams(); //retrieve query parameters
request.getPathParams().get("id"); //retrieve path parameter
request.headers().get("Content-Type"); //retrieve headers
request.getBodyAsString(); //retrieve request body
response.setBody("hello, world}"); //set response body
response.headers().set("key", "value");//set header
you can find a CRUD example here
Mac(Intel Core i7/2.2GHz)
wrk -t4 -c150 -d30s http://localhost:10080/test
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:10080/test
4 threads and 150 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.39ms 423.62us 36.46ms 95.61%
Req/Sec 15.52k 1.22k 51.71k 95.50%
1855064 requests in 30.10s, 187.53MB read
Requests/sec: 61627.08
Transfer/sec: 6.23MB