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krishnanv1990 edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 17 revisions

  • assembly instructions leading to general syscall invocation

  • mprotect -

  • finding gadgets

  • understanding of some gadget finding and rop payload generation tool

  • avoidance of null, space, newline and tab chars in rop payload

  • classification of gadgets

  • a proper python framework for disassembling a binary and obtaining instructions (distorm, for now).

  • getting absolute addresses of gadgets

  • do we need to go by general method or specific to mprotect

We will use the filebytes python module for parsing elfheader and capstone for disassembly.

Please look at the links below, and also at the proposed stack layout for our gadgets :-

The disassembly of mprotect in gdb does not have an int x80 instruction. Rather it uses call DWORD PTR gs:0x10. If we have libc linked with our binary, then we can directly make use of the mprotect libc function. Otherwise we have to understand how to make use of a syscall gadget to invoke mprotect. And, it seems now there is a new syscall convention that does not use int 0x80, but uses the global descriptor table or something.


esp low ------------> high

| junk | shellcode | &mprotect | &(pop pop pop ret) | mp_arg1 | mp_arg2 | mp_arg3 | shellcode_addr |

mp_arg1 is the start address of the aligned memory. mp_arg2 is the length, and mp_arg3 is 0x7 (for RWX)

We have to ensure that shellcode starts at an aligned memory location or prepend it with a NOP sled.

If we can use libc, then it is straight-forward. Otherwise, we have to think about the syscall convention and find the necessary gadgets. mprotect syscall number is 0x7d. For syscalls, it seems the arguments are passed through registers (even for 32-bit). So if we are planning to use syscall gadget instead of mprotect function, then the above stack layout will not be valid.