- Member 1: [Name] - [College]
- Member 2: [Name] - [College]
- Member 3: [Name] - [College]
[mention your project hosted project link here]
[2-3 lines about what your project does]
[What ridiculous problem are you solving?]
[How are you solving it? Keep it fun!]
For Software:
- [Languages used]
- [Frameworks used]
- [Libraries used]
- [Tools used]
For Hardware:
- [List main components]
- [List specifications]
- [List tools required]
For Software:
For Software:
 Add caption explaining what this shows
 Add caption explaining what this shows
 Add caption explaining what this shows
 Add caption explaining your workflow
For Hardware:
 Add caption explaining connections
 Add caption explaining the schematic

 List out all components shown
 Explain the build steps
 Explain the final build
[Add your demo video link here] Explain what the video demonstrates
[Add any extra demo materials/links]
- [Name 1]: [Specific contributions]
- [Name 2]: [Specific contributions]
- [Name 3]: [Specific contributions]
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