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Getting started

Mikulas Florek edited this page Jun 25, 2024 · 51 revisions


You can get Lumix Engine from or download standalone zip file from actions.

Programmers - Windows


Download bootstrap batch file and run it. It will fetch the repository, create Visual Studio solution and open it. After that you can build the solution and run the editor. If something fails or you do not want to use the batch file, execute these 4 steps manually

Video tutorial

Programmers - Linux

Download this shell script and run it. It will fetch the repository, create makefile, build it and run the editor.

  • Note: the shell script needs git, make and g++ accessible
  • Note: to build using clang, call ./genie --gcc=linux-clang gmake
  • Note: to build using clang & ninja, call ./genie --gcc=linux-clang ninja

Video tutorial

No editor workflow

This is minimal code to display a triangle for people who want code-first workflow without editor. Up to date code can be found at the bottom of

#include "engine/allocators.h"
#include "engine/os.h"
#include "renderer/gpu/gpu.h"

using namespace Lumix;

int main(int args, char* argv[]) {
	OS::WindowHandle win = OS::createWindow({});

	DefaultAllocator allocator;
	gpu::preinit(allocator, false);
	gpu::init(win, gpu::InitFlags::NONE);
	gpu::ProgramHandle shader = gpu::allocProgramHandle();

	const gpu::ShaderType types[] = {gpu::ShaderType::VERTEX, gpu::ShaderType::FRAGMENT};
	const char* srcs[] = {
		"void main() { gl_Position = vec4(gl_VertexID & 1, (gl_VertexID >> 1) & 1, 0, 1); }",
		"layout(location = 0) out vec4 color; void main() { color = vec4(1, 0, 1, 1); }",
	gpu::createProgram(shader, {}, srcs, types, 2, nullptr, 0, "shader");

	bool finished = false;
	while (!finished) {
		OS::Event e;
		while (OS::getEvent(Ref(e))) {
			switch (e.type) {
				case OS::Event::Type::WINDOW_CLOSE:
				case OS::Event::Type::QUIT: finished = true; break;

		gpu::setFramebuffer(nullptr, 0, gpu::INVALID_TEXTURE, gpu::FramebufferFlags::NONE);
		const float clear_col[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
		gpu::clear(gpu::ClearFlags::COLOR | gpu::ClearFlags::DEPTH, clear_col, 0);
		gpu::drawArrays(0, 3, gpu::PrimitiveType::TRIANGLES);

		u32 frame = gpu::swapBuffers();


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