The Zerotier userspace port forwarder without TUN based on libzt
. Most of the code are modified from Offical libzt examples. This simple script can set a server for port forwarding to Zerotier network without TUN or vice versa. It can be an easy solution when you try to connect to Zerotier in a VM or docker container but have no permission to install the TUN kernel module.
一个方便的小脚本,基于 libzt
,转发本地端口到 Zerotier 或转发 Zerotier 上的端口到本地实现内网穿透。这在无法使用 TUN 的环境中尤其方便,例如在虚拟机或者没有权限的 docker 容器中。
python3 <server|client> <storage_path> <net_id> <remote_ip> <remote_port> <local_port>
python3 server ./id 0123456789abcdef 8080 22
python3 client ./id 0123456789abcdef 8080 1234