4.3.0 - 2019-12-21
crud added dto
to the CrudOptions
(#132 )
crud added serialize
to the CrudOptions
crud added search
query param and a new search condition api
crud added new condition operators: $eqL
, $neL
, $startsL
, $endsL
, $contL
, $exclL
, $inL
, $notinL
for case insensitive queries (#77 )
crud added @crudAuth()
class decorator for authorized requests
crud CrudRequestInterceptor
can be used for both crud and non-crud controllers or for custom routes within crud controller
crud support @nestjs/swagger
major versions: v3 and v4 (#340 )
crud added returnShallow
option to the CrudOptions.routes
, updateOneBase
, replaceOneBase
methods (#158 )
crud added alias
to the CrudOptions.join
(#350 )
crud added alwaysPaginate
to the CrudOptions.query
, can be used globally as well (#213 )
crud CrudOptions.query.filter
can be a function that returns transformed search
crud added disabled
for an objects withing CrudOptions.params
request query builder: now uses qs package
request query builder: filter
and or
methods can accept array of filter objects
typeorm changed visibility of all methods (#226 )
typeorm use ILIKE
for PostgreSQL (#212 )
Bug Fixes
crud swagger: fixed response models (#350 )
crud swagger: fixed query params (#196 )
crud swagger: fixed renamed params (#283 )
crud swagger: fixed swagger method decoration on overridden methods
crud query parser: fixed parsing integers when it's a big int
typeorm fixed load embedded entities (#138 )
typeorm fixed left join issues (#31 , #98 )
typeorm fixed composite key joins (#238 )
typeorm fixed entity events (#51 )
typeorm all methods return entity instances (#259 )
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