dynamically sized infinite scrolling capabalities
npm install --save use-easy-infinite-scroll
sandbox - https://codesandbox.io/s/damp-mountain-78wnx (src in example folder)
Pay attention to useInfiniteScroll and ScrollProvider:
const Child = memo(() => <img
style={{ margin: "10px auto", display: "block" }}
height={`${80 * Math.random() + 20}px`}
src="https://media1.tenor.com/images/806fa85fc55a55de66ab310e500b5f0f/tenor.gif?itemid=5716621" />
const ScrollAwareChildren = memo(() => useInfiniteScroll(Array(1000).fill(0))
.map((d, i) => <Child key={i} />));
<div style={{ overflowY: "scroll", height: "60vh", backgroundColor: "beige" }}>
<ScrollAwareChildren />
ScrollProvider attaches a ref to the scroll container passed to it as a child. This ref allows the component to follow the scroll container's scroll position and create a context. useInfiniteScroll consumes this context, which alerts it of changes to the ref, and when the scroll container is scrolled to the bottom (or rather, near-bottom) or to the top. useInfiniteScroll only recieves an array. It returns a slice of said array, the size of which will be determined by the scroll state of the container.
Important point: React.memo the array items if possible. unmemoized items will be rerendered with each update to the slice.
Let's compare this solution to other popular solutions:
- It is very simple to use:
- Absolutely no config needed
- useInfiniteScroll returns just a slice of an array!
- useInfiniteScroll is completely size agnostic - it doesnt expect any knowledge of each item's height, or the container size. This allows for completely dynamically sized children.
- debounce is the only dependency aside from React.
- The solution doesn't handle asynchronously loading data.
- Trying to actually scroll all the way down while dragging the scrollbar will not work.
MIT © netanel-haber