how to find opcodes 4 dummies by beng
inside you should see two folders named "bin" and "node_modules". the placement of the modules inside is important. open up the "bin" folder and you should see a "node_modules" folder inside. open up that folder and you should see two folders named "alex-logger" and "alex-packet-id-finder". both "alex-logger" and "alex-packet-id-finder" go into your tera-proxy / bin / node_modules folder, where you put all of your other modules.
go back to where you see the "README" file and open the "node_modules" folder. you should see a folder called "hexy". this is a dependency (you need it for "alex-logger" and "alex-packet-id-finder" to work). put this folder into your tera-proxy / node_modules folder NOT YOUR BIN / NODE_MODULES FOLDER. it should be placed in the same folder as where you find the "tera-data" folder.
once you have installed both modules and the dependency, you are ready to begin find opcodes.
there are only three commands you need to be concerned with for logging packets.
"logc": this is a command for "alex-logger". it logs all client -> server packets (or packets starting with C_). type "logc" again to turn it off.
"logs": this is the other command for "alex-logger". it logs all server -> client packets (or packets starting with S_). type "logs" again to turn it off.
commands used for "alex-logger" will display the opcode for the packet enclosed in parentheses. it will always look like (id xxxxx).
"fpi PACKET_NAME": this is the command for "alex-packet-id-finder". after enabling this command, you have to find some way to proc the packet you are trying to log.
for example, if you are trying to log "C_PLAYER_LOCATION", you'd type "fpi C_PLAYER_LOCATION". to proc the packet, you would have to move around.
it has come to our attention that "alex-packet-id-finder" may not be reliable or may not be working correctly (i.e, not logging packets when it should).
after you have found the opcode you are looking for, you need to go to tera-proxy / node_modules / tera_data / "map" folder. this is the folder where all your opcodes are found. open up your respective folder that corresponds to your region. hit up my boi caali for the list:
once you have opened up your respective region's opcode map, insert the PACKET_NAME anywhere (doesn't have to be in alphabetical order) and then put the opcode after it. for example,
then, save the file and restart your proxy /game.
afterwards, your modules should be good to go!