for teensy-eurorack DIY programmable digital music device
├── ad5754
│ ├── 01_write_ad5754
│ └── 02_write_both_ad5754
├── ad7606
├── audio
│ ├── audio_thru_with_scope
│ ├── audio_to_cv
│ ├── codec
│ │ ├── 01_Mp3FilePlayer
│ │ └── 02_Play_and_display
│ ├── cv_out
│ │ └── 01_cv_output
│ ├── display_levels
│ │ └── 01_display_levels
│ ├── libscope
│ │ ├── 02_input_scopes
│ │ ├── 03_full_bandwidth
│ │ └── 04_audio_only_full_bandwidth
│ ├── pitch
│ │ ├── 01_knob_pitch
│ │ └── 02_play_all_sd
│ └── simple_scope
│ ├── 01_audiocv_scope
│ └── 02_simple_cv_scope
├── graphics
│ ├── 00_graphicstest
│ └── 01_heart
├── knobs
│ ├── just_encoders
│ ├── just_encoders_and_display
│ └── pots
└── midi
├── 01_MidiIn_display
└── 02_MidiOut
for compiling c++ for arm cortex
dependencies packaged with Teensyduino
cores | SPI | SdFat | SD | SerialFlash | Wire | arm_math | Audio | MIDI | ST7735_t3 | EEPROM | Encoder | Bounce2 | USBHost_t36
dependencies installable via Arduino library manager
- TeensyVariablePlayback variable rate .wav and .raw audio sample playback
- TeensyAudioSampler play polyphonic pitched and unpitched samples
- TeensySampleFlashLoader loads samples from the SD card in to flash memory
- Arduino_Teensy_Codec_lib plays mp3s, aac, flac, ogg audio files
- ResponsiveAnalogRead reduce noise on the analog inputs by smoothing / averaging signal
manual needing to be manually installed (for now)
- midi_smf_reader simple standard midi file reader
- teensyquencer generic sequencer
- arduino_tftpianoview display musical notes on a piano view
- teensy_audio_display_components Audio level and CV level meters
- midi_smf_writer save type-0 standard midi files
- teensy_audio_libtftscope oscilliscope and x/y scope display components
- teensy_libcurve draw beziers and antialiased lines
- richgel999/picojpeg used to display jpeg files