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Getting Start

jian edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 9 revisions

Assuming the SHM server (an instance of handow-seed project README) is running locally, you can try to create a test story and run it now. The story will test the essential behaviors of Google Search and Google Translate.

Step1 - Create a story file

Open the Edit dashboard, the resource explorer is showing as left panel. Use the right-click menu to add a New File under stories/ folder, e.g., ggEssential.feature. Then the blank new file will be opened in the Editor.

Step2 - Add scenarios, steps and parameters

Paste the following content to the new created ggEssential.feature file, and save it by CTRL+S. Refer related documents to see the content explanation.

@tags: ["google"]
@scenario: Navigate to Google Search
Given I have opened {url: "Google_Search"}
And I wait all pending requests resolved
Then I can see {selector: "An_Image"} presented
@parameters: [
        Google_Search: "",
        GG_Search_Html: "temp/ggSearch.html",
        An_Image: "//img"

@scenario: Navigate to Google Translate
When I go to {url: "Google_Translate"}
And I wait all pending requests resolved
Then I can see {selector: "Translate_Box"} presented
And I can see the input {selector: "Translate_Box"} value equals {text: "Source_Word"}
@parameters: [
        Google_Translate: "",
        Translate_Box: "//textarea[@aria-label='Source text']",
        Source_Word: "synonym"

Step3 - Run the story

Navigate the Runner dashboard, choose ggEssential.feature file from left explorer tree and open it in runner workspace. The story is rendered to a 'Graphic Tree'. Click the Run button and watch 'the tree is burning'.

Step4 - Review the report

After the story running finished, click the tree and open new tab to show the test result. Or navigate to Report dashboard directly, choose the latest report to see the result currently.

The latest record is that one at the root of the reports explorer, all previous reports are saved into archives/ folder.

Related documents

Story And Steps Hooking

Steps Library
