- Name: Laptech UI Administrator System
- Author: Nhật Phi Võ
- Collaborator: Quang Sang Nguyễn
- Main tech: Webpack, ReactJS, Redux, Bootstrap, React-table
- Install this project in zip and unzip it, or just clone with git
- Open project with your IDE (I recommend Visual Studio Code)
- Open Terminal in root folder and run
npm install
- Run project with command
npm start
NOTE: This project need to run with api in server. You can find here
OPTION: You can build with npm run build
and use file in folder build
- public
- resources
- src
package | type | description |
react | main - ui |
main ui build and control |
react-dom | main - ui |
render ui in browser |
react-router-dom | main - router |
navigate and routing |
react-redux | main - manager |
state managerment instead of React |
@reduxjs/toolkit | support - manager | create slide for redux |
bootstrap | main - ui - css |
css library of bootstrap |
react-bootstrap | main - ui - framework |
using Component of bootstrap in React |
bootstrap-icons | main - ui - icon |
using icons of bootstrap |
@popperjs/core | main - support |
using bootstrap js bundle |
lodash | option - support | a lots of function deal with array and object |
react-hook-form | option - system | create validation for form |
react-day-picker | option - support | select date-time Component |
react-bootstrap-typeahead | option - support | select Component with bootstrap base |
react-select | option - support | Select Component with multiple choice and more features |
react-quill | option - system | build basic text editor |
react-table | option - system | support build table with filter, sort, paging and more... |
react-toastify | option - system | create notification |
chart.js | option - system | build figures with image |
react-chartjs-2 | option - system | support Chart Component in React |
classnames | option - system | make string form multiple objects for option className |
jwt-decode | option - system | decode jwt token to handle information |
package | type | description |
@babel/core | main - convert | |
@babel/preset-env | main - build | |
@babel/preset-react | main - build | |
babel-loader | main - build | |
html-webpack-plugin | webpack - build |
css-loader | webpack - build |
sass-loader | webpack - build |
style-loader | webpack - build |
webpack | webpack - main |
webpack-cli | webpack - support |
webpack-dev-server | webpack - support |
prettier | main - format | |
eslint-config-prettier | support - format | |
eslint-plugin-prettier | support - inspect | |
jest | test - main | |
babel-jest | test - build | |
react-test-renderer | test - React |