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Execution Dashboard creation via a set of Nexial scripts


This project is an extension to Nexial Automation Platform. Its main goal is to provide insights into the executions of Nexial automation script. Its main output is an Execution Dashboard, which can be rendered in a few different ways:

  • Execution Dashboard displayed in portrait mode:
  • Execution Dashboard displayed in landscape mode:

Besides the chart and the execution summary grid, this dashboard also has the capability to drill down to the next level of execution stats:

.. and links to the corresponding execution summary:

As a web page, the dashboard can be hosted in a variety of ways, making it highly accessible to its audience. It is also easily to embed the execution dashboard as IFRAME into existing web pages and web applications.

How It Works

[More details coming soon...]

At a high level, here's the flow:

  1. Nexial is properly set up to use AWS S3 (or its alternative such as MinIO as its execution output storage:
    • use nexial-setup to set up one's Nexial for such capability.
  2. Nexial executions are invoked with the following System variables assigned:
  3. By executing script using the above configuration, execution results will be stored to AWS S3.
  4. The execution-summary script is independently run to collect the execution results into a single "summary" JSON file. At runtime, be sure to include all the pertinent information such as AWS credential, project name, etc.
  5. This "summary" JSON file is the data input for the Execution Dashboard.

How To Run It

To run the execution-summary script, be sure to include the following data variables from command line:

  1. - the ACCESS_KEY to access the S3 bucket used as Nexial execution output storage
  2. - the SECRET_KEY to access the S3 bucket used as Nexial execution output storage
  3. - the region where the said S3 bucket is located
  4. - (S3 alternative only) the URL of the target bucket; not necessary if AWS S3 is used
  5. bucketName - the name of the said S3 bucket
  6. artifactSubdir - the sub-directory under the said S3 bucket used as the base directory for all Nexial execution output
  7. summarySubdir - the sub-directory under the said S3 bucket used as the base directory for all Nexial dashboard data
  8. project - the name of the project from which the execution dashboard will be generated
  9. prefix - this should match nexial.runID.prefix used during Nexial execution

For example,

nexial.cmd -script C:\projects\execution-summary\artifact\script\execution-summary.xlsx \
    -override \ 
    -override \ 
    -override \
    -override bucketName=nexial-bucket-123 \
    -override artifactSubdir=outputs \ 
    -override summarySubdir=summaries \
    -override project=MyProject \
    -override prefix=SyntheticTransactions

Get Involved

All help and support WELCOME! We are looking to add more features to the dashboard, as well as expanding the analysis portion. If you have some spare cycle -- join us to improve this project! If you have a good idea for Execution Dashboard, we'd love to hear about it!