Official implementation of Unsupervised dynamic modeling of medical image transformations accepted at 25th International Conference on Information Fusion 2022 (
[Paper] [Presentation] [Dataset]
We use the following libraries
tensorflow 2.4.1
tensorflow-probability 0.12.1
numpy 1.19.5
cv2 4.5.1
pandas 1.2.2
tqdm 4.57.0
json 2.0.9
voxelmorph 0.1
SimpleITK 2.0.2
tqdm 4.56.0
matplotlib 3.3.4
We model the motion by mapping high-dimensional sequential images to a low-dimensional space wherein a linear relationship between a hidden state process and the lower-dimensional representation holds. For this, we use a Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder (CVAE) to nonlinearly map the higher-dimensional images to a lower-dimensional space. In this lower-dimensional space, we model the dynamics with a Linear Gaussian State Space Model (LGSSM). Using the decoder we upsample the dynamics, from the low-dimensional space to the image space and estimate the spatial transformation between a reference image and the current. The image reconstruction can the be obtain by transform the reference image with the spatial transformation.
During training the CVAE - and LGSSM parameters are jointly updated by maximizing the evidence lower bound of the log likelihood:
In the current implementation we use a image sequence of
To train the model run
python --dim_z 32 --gpus 1 --prefix Test --ds_path PATH_TO_DS
Following arguments is supported
--help show this help message and exit
--dim_y dimension of image variable (default (112,112))
--dim_x dimension of latent variable (default 16)
--dim_z dimension of state space variable (default 32)
--dec_in input dim to decoder (default 16)
--saved_model model path if continue running model (default:None)
--start_epoch start epoch
--gpus comma separated list of GPUs (default -1 (CPU))
--prefix predix for log folder (default:None)
--ds_path path to dataset (default:/data/Niklas/EchoNet-Dynamics)
--ds_size Size of datasets
To test
import json
import numpy as np
from src.datasetLoader import TensorflowDatasetLoader
def get_config(path):
with open('%s/%s' % (os.path.dirname(path), 'config.json')) as data_file:
config_dict = json.load(data_file)
config = namedtuple("Config", config_dict.keys())(*config_dict.values())
return config, config_dict
path = './logs/kvae/32_kvae/32_Test/'
kvae_dir = path
kvae_config, kvae_config_dict = get_config(kvae_dir)
kvae_model = KVAE(config = kvae_config)
kvae_model.load_weights(kvae_dir + 'kvae_cardiac_32').expect_partial()
# Load validation data
val_generator = TensorflowDatasetLoader(root = PATH_TO_DS, image_shape = tuple(kvae_config.dim_y), length = kvae_config.ph_steps, split='val', period = kvae_config.period)
# Reconstruction
val_batch = list([0]
inputs = [val_batch[0][None,...], val_batch[1][None,...]]
y_filt_val, y_smooth_val, y_vae_val = kvae_model.predict(inputs)
# Impute/predict
mask = np.ones(shape=50).astype('bool')
known = np.arange(50)
steps = 5
last = 1
known = known[:-last][::steps]
mask[known] = False
inputs = [val_batch[0][None,...], mask[None,...]]
y_filt_val, y_smooth_val, y_vae_val = kvae_model.predict(inputs)
# Latent space analysis
x_mu_smooth, x_cov_smooth, x_mu_filt, x_covs_filt, x_mu_filt_pred, x_covs_filt_pred = kvae_model.get_latents(inputs)
author={Gunnarsson, Niklas and Sjölund, Jens and Kimstrand, Peter and Schön, Thomas B.},
booktitle={2022 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)},
title={Unsupervised dynamic modeling of medical image transformations},