CO2 monitor software for CO2-mini new generation. Does not work for old CO2mini.
a) Show and plots CO2 and temperature which is measured by CO2-mini.
b) Supports new CO2-mini which official CO2-mini application does not support.
F.Y.I. Official can be downloaded from:
c) Export data as a CSV file.
d) Save plot image. Supported type is: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG.
e) Can switch temperature between degC and degF.i
The software will automatically detects connection / disconnection of CO2mini. You do not need to restart the software on re-connection.
If the value doesn't seems to be updated, please try re-connection of the device. CO2mini's USB communication might fail when PC has recovered from sleep mode.
Though the software recognizes CO2mini, it cannot distinguish the old version from new one. Please try official version if this software fails to show measured value even if re-connection of the USB doesn't work.
This software license is MIT license.
Name: donadona HP: GitHub:
1.1: Added Japanese translation. Added support for degF. 1.0: Initial release.