Sonix is a sound design recipe cookbook aimed at audio engineers or hobbyists looking to improve their sound design skills. The application allows users to create/browse/like sound design recipes, which consist of an audio preview, ingredients list, and the method to create the sound.
- Clone the git repo and run npm install in both the client and server directories.
- Create a firebase account and setup a storage bucket. Instructions can be found on the firebase website Firebase Storage Setup.
- Create a new .env file in the root of the client directory. Use the .env_TEMPLATE to understand the format of this file. add your firebase storage config details to the new .env file.
- You must have mongodb running on your machine, the project uses a database called sonix and has two collections, users and recipes.
- There is a script ‘mock-data-script.js’ to produce mock data for the application. The json file created by this script can be added to mongodb using mongodb compass.
- Run the server first using npm start inside the server directory, the server will start running on port 3001.
- Run the client using npm start inside the client directory, the client will start running on port 3000.
- Dashboard - entry point for the application
- Recipe - view a sound design recipe
- Create - create a sound design recipe
- Profile - view a users profile