This repository contains a C++ implementation of different Reinforceent Learning algorthms which allow to solve the maze problem. The goal is reaching a specified state in a gridworld scenario, starting from any random position.
Four algorithms have been implemented to solve the maze problem:
- Q-learning
- Double Q-learning
- QV(λ)-learning
Both the ε-greedy and Boltzmann exploration strategies are available.
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Compile the code using the Makefile:
$ make
Run the main code, which executes the four learning algorithms on the example maze in figure:
When finished, clean up:
$ make clean
You can define the maze you want to solve in the maze_definition file. He you should insert:
- the maze size N, an integer number
- the non-visitable states, defined as integer numbers between 0 adn N-1
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. 1998. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (1st. ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Wiering, Marco. (2005). QV(λ)-learning: A New On-policy Reinforcement Learning Algrithm.