LibX is a set of C/Arduino include files to handle your tasks. Need to convert to BCD, call a running average function, read a SR05 not using pulseIn(). We have started to document all the functions we use. Simple C, simple to understand, simple to adapt. See the list.
LibX is like a Meccano. You start with simple constructions, learn from examples, progress toward complexity, and get rewarding results.
The programs are shorts, Arduino compatible, but they do not use Arduino libraries and specific pins. Great for AtTiny controllers, fast to download on Arduino, also compatible with ESP8266, where they are small fish in an ocean.
Beginners are not encouraged to structure their programs and use definitions and include files to avoid long lists of instructions.
- Give explicit name and think "actions* and "states". Think "LedOn" and not "digitaWrite(pin,level)"
- Identify the set of required functions and restructure while doing several tests programs
- Wrap the definitions, the variables and the functions in a .h reusable file.