Library for interfacing an EPOS4 controller with microcontrollers running the arduino framework
- Implementation is position mode based
- Example includes a simple state machine to control the motor, library acts according to state
- All defined paramters need to be chosen with respect to your motor, otherwise you will damage your system! Make sure you understand how maxon FW works
Known limitations
- Library suffers from timing issues when communcation with the maxon, delays had to be added
- Not suitable for real time applications, with necessary delay submitting and reading values takes roughly 20 ms
- Checksum for reading specific objects is not working (deactivated for now)
- Statusword is not used as it could be, no double checking if commands were really received and executed by EPOS, only for homing checking is done
- Homing is implemented with long delay, could be optimized with statusword control if needed