- .NET Micro ORM
- ORM = Object Relational Mapper - Responsible for mapping between DB and C# objects
Full-blown ORM(EF) vs Micro-ORM(Dapper)
- Maps DB and C# objects
- Generates SQL based on C# objects
- Change Tracking
- Just maps between DB and C# objects
- We have to supply SQL
- No support of change-tracking
Features of Micro-ORM
- Lightweight
- Fast
- Simple and Easy to Use
- Less methods to know
Key-features of Dapper
- Query and Map
- Does this through parameterized approach. Avoids SQL Injection
- Performance
- Extends IDbConnection interface
- Gives us a closer low-level experience while interacting with DB
- Simplified API
- Works with any Database
- PostGreSQL
- More..
- Query and Map
Github - https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper
- Dapper Basics
Created a console application.
Reading connection string from appsettings in console application (Something new!)
- Inject IConfigurationRoot in Program
- Install package "Microsoft.Extensions.Configurations.Abstractions"
- Create ConfigurationBuilder object and set basepath and json file (Refer Program)
- For resolving error on Setbasepath, add "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json"
- Added appsettings.json to console app
- Set DefaultConnection value under Connection string
Update Appsettings.json from local machine
Basic CRUD Ops
- Refer ContactRepository for basic CRUD Ops
- Query("select statement that maps with T")
- Refer ContactRepository.GetAll() method
- Query("select statement that maps with T")
List with objects that do not match column names
- Use the same Query method
- In Select statement, make sure to use Alias.
- Refer ContactRepository.GetAll()
Saving record to DB
- Ideally we should use Command method but since we want to return the ID that we have asked here - SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
- We are using Query method
Updating record to DB
- Passing object and mapping them in Update SQL statement
- We are using Execute method
Delete record from DB
- Using Execute method to delete record from database by passing in PK
- Refer ContactRepository for basic CRUD Ops
Using DapperContrib
- Add-on library for enhancing Dapper
- Provides methods to enable us to write less code for basic CRUD ops
- Allows us to do basic CRUD without having to type entire SQL
- See GitHub link - https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper.Contrib
- Adding DapperContrib to data layer
- Refer ContactRepositoryUsingDapperContrib for CRUD Ops using DapperContrib
- Compare and contrast changes with ContactRepository
- In a nutshell DapperContrib is useful when we have simple straight-forward object mappings. Benefit - We can avoid typing in SQL statements
- Important
- Usecase when we have a few property in data model that are computed and not present in DB
- Refer Contact
IsNew - Not present in DB
- Marking it as Computed
Address - No column present in DB
- Marking Write(false) since we do not want DapperContrib to generate field in insert statement
- Refer Contact
- Usecase when we have a few property in data model that are computed and not present in DB
Implementing 1..* relations
- 1 Contact can have 1..* addresses
- For retriving such records, we can use QueryMultiple() method from Dapper.
- See ContactRepository GetFullContact() method
- Implemented Save method that takes care of both Insert/Update using IsNew property
Issue - While using transaction scope locally, getting this error - UPDATES
- This platform does not support distributed transactions.
- Maybe it is because SQL Server I am using does not support this usecase
- This issue is resolved. It was occurring because within transaction scope, there were different SQL connections getting opened up. After sharing the connection from within the TxScope, it resolves the issue
- Refer answer on StackOverflow here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56387125/two-dbcontexts-on-same-server-throws-this-platform-does-not-support-distribute/77841154#77841154
-3. Beyond Basics - Stored Procedures and Dynamic Params - Dapper does support interacting to database via SPs
- Implementation
- Refer Stored procs present under Database project
- Refer ContactRepositoryUsingStoredProc for studying interactions with DB
- Most of the code is pretty much the same. We need to set the CommandType parameter in Execute() or Query() or QueryMultiple() method as CommandType.StoredProcedure
- Working with Arrays that go as IN statement in WHERE clause
- Dapper is able to convert [] into comma separated values required in IN statement in SQL
- See ContactRepositoryAdditionalOperations -> GetContactsById method
- Same implemetation achievable using dynamic class as well. Refer GetDynamicContactsById method
- Only difference is within Query method, we do not specify <> type. Dapper implicitly considers it as dynamic return type
- Benefits of dynamic
- C#4
- Useful in scenarios with Json
- Useful when we do not want to type out entire class to match DB structure
- Bulk-inserts
- Bad approach is to insert records in for loop.
- Better approach - Dapper enables us to pass in arrays and it would take care of this for us
- See BulkInsertContacts()
- Checking the second argument i.e. list/array - Dapper is able to understand it needs to do multiple round trips to DB and needs to insert multiple records
- Important to note - This works but it is not best from performance standpoint. This is more useful from syntax perspective
- Literal replacements
- Supported for boolean and numeric data-types
- Not sent as parameter to DB. Allow for better query execution plans and filtered index usage
- IMP - If this was enabled for string type, it would open up possibility for SQL injection attacks
- See GetAddressesByState()
- Special syntax used {=stateId} and then assigning value using anonymous type
- Multi-mapping
- Used when we have 1..1 or 1..* relationships between objects and eagerly load all objects in single query
- Typically when we have a usecase to join multiple tables, we need to use multi mapping
- Within Query method there are 7 overloads available.
- See GetAllContactsWithAddresses()
- This method has both variants present 1..1 adn 1..*. Do not, for producing correct results with 1..*, it needs some additional work from our end
- Works with multiple providers
- Dapper supports multiple DB providers
- SQLite, SQLCE, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
- See more details here - https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper?tab=readme-ov-file#will-dapper-work-with-my-db-provider
- Async versions
- Dapper supports all different method we implemented in an async version
- QueryAsync
- ExecuteAsync
- ExecuteScaler etc.
- Futher
- Combine Dapper with data access patterns such as UoW. See this - https://github.com/timschreiber/DapperUnitOfWork