Quick summary This is the code to detect the parking space for the car given 2D image from the google maps and 3D point Cloud data of the current enivornment.
Purpose This project was made for the purpose of the AIS LAB.
Version Beta Version
- Summary of set up For this project to run you need:
- Visual Studio 2012
- OpenCV 3.0
- Point Cloud Library
To see how to work with OpenCV in visual studio please take a look at the following link: [http://amanullahtariq.com/using-opencv-3-0-with-visual-studio-2013/](Link URL)
To see how can we configure PCL and OPENCV together take a look at the following link: [http://amanullahtariq.com/integerating-pcl-1-6-with-opencv-3-0-on-visual-studio-2012/](Link URL)
I would be happy to talk to you about this project and if you are interested then we can further enhance this project to.
- Amanullah Tariq
- Email: [email protected]