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Simple implementation of the popular codenames app using
- Typescript / React / React-Router
- Golang / Gorilla Router / Gorilla Websockets
- Redis for transient game storage
$ docker build -t codenames .
$ docker run --rm -it -e PORT=8080 -e REDISCLOUD_URL=redis://rediscloud:@host.docker.internal:6379 -p 3000:8080 codenames
This assumes you have a Redis instance running locally on your machine exposed at port 6379. You can easily configure the above REDISCLOUD_URL variable to point to remote Redis instances as well.
In a deployed environment, this codenames app runs as a SPA with all static assets provided by the server. For development, it's convenient the run these services separately.
Running golang server:
$ (server) REDISCLOUD_URL=redis://rediscloud:@localhost:6379 go run codenames
Running React frontend server:
$ (client) npm start
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