Install HomeBrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
More info on HomeBrew here:
Update HomeBrew
brew update
Use HomeBrew to install Postgresql
brew install postgres
Init your Postgres DB (Do these inside the command line and not in postgres)
initdb /Users/<your username>/.homebrew/var/postgres -E utf8
In another terminal, this command will run the PG DB, make sure to keep this running in the new terminal for the next few steps
postgres -D /Users/<your username>/.homebrew/var/postgres
Create an admin user for the DB
createuser adminbot --superuser
Create a regular DB user
createuser bot
Create the DB
createdb -Obot -Eutf8 open_api_search_test createdb -Obot -Eutf8 open_api_search_development
Start the server
rails server