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Wall of Flippers (WoF) is a Python based project designed for Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) exploration. Its primary functionality involves the discovery of the Flipper Zero device and the identification of potential BTLE based attacks. Please keep in mind this is a work in progress and will still continue to get updates.
- Flipper Zero Detection (BT Must be Enabled)
- Flipper Archiving (Saving Past Data)
- Bluetooth Low Energy Attacks
- iOS Crash and Popup BTLE Detection
- Android Crash and Popup BTLE Detection
- Windows Swift Pair BTLE Detection
- LoveSpouse BTLE Detection
- GoLang Support
- hcidump / hcitool support
A few things are required to properly run WoF. One of them being a linux based operating system.
This is due to the fact that bluepy (the library used to scan for BTLE devices) requires root privileges and only supports
linux based systems. Eventually, we will start to support other operating systems. Recommended device to run WoF is a Raspberry Pi as its
easily portable. Additionally, it's also required to have a chipset
or a USB adapter
that supports BTLE.
Another requirement
is Python. Debian based install:
$ sudo apt-get install python3
Additionally, bluepy requires
the libglib2.0-dev
library to be installed. Debian based install:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip libglib2.0-dev
Finally, bluepy
is required. This can be installed with the following command:
$ sudo pip3 install bluepy
Your install may look different depending if python3 is used
Additionally, if you are having trouble. Feel free to visit this repo for better documentation: https://github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy/
Alright, it's fun for the fun install process. Downloading WoF is quite straightforward as it's a few commands.
I'd recommend using git
as this command can be easily used to retrieve the repository. Otherwise, just donwload via GitHub.
$ git clone https://github.com/K3YOMI/Wall-of-Flippers
After installing, navigate to the Wall of Flippers directory
$ cd ./Wall\ of\ Flippers
Next, run under sudo
as this part is required to properly use the pyblue
$ sudo python3 WallofFlippers.py
Tad-ah! You are now properly running WoF on your device. Hopefully this small guide works and gets you started on collecting flippers or checking for
BTLE based attacks. Feel free to report bugs as this can help improve WoF. You can modify, release, or use Wall of Flippers in any way you want
as long as proper credit is given to emilia (jbohack)
and k3yomi (kiyomi)
. Thank you!