Nowar Neo Sans 0.6.0: WoW Font Pack and SharedMedia Font Provider
Nowar Neo Sans is back with new build system!
- Unlike Nowar Sans (humanist), Nowar Neo Sans is still shipped in OpenType/TT format.
- JP, KR, OSF, GB variants are available.
- Families of multiple-width Nowar Neo Sans are merged to one family.
- “Nowar Neo Compact Sans XXX” → “Nowar Neo Sans XXX Condensed”
- Localized font name for East Asian languages:
: Nowar Neo Sans, Nowar Neo UI, Nowar Neo Warcraft Sanszh-CN
: 有爱新黑, 有爱新黑 UI, 有爱魔兽新黑zh-TW
: 有愛新黑, 有愛新黑 UI, 有愛魔獸新黑ja-JP
: 有愛新ゴシック, 有愛新ゴシック UI, 有愛ウォークラフト新ゴシックko-KR
: 有愛 네오 고딕, 有愛 네오 고딕 UI, 有愛 네오 워크래프트 고딕
- SharedMedia font provider is available.
- If you find “有愛 네오 고딕” shown as “?? 네오 고딕” in font selection window, please report to the author of the add-on. In font selection window, a font name should always be displayed in the font.
- Adjustments in font weight, width and metrics.
- Ascender and descender follow Source Han Sans, CJK text is now vertically centralized.
- (For developer) a new build system.