Open collection restful-booker.postman_collection.json
and environment prod.postman_environment.json
by Postman to
run the test.
Click on each request and go to Tests to see test scripts
Clone project
git clone
Dependencies: npm, newman, newman-reporter-htmlextra, newman-reporter-allure, allure-commandline
Install npm (depending on your OS, check npm if it exists: npm -v)
Install newman
npm install -g newman
Install newman-reporter-htmlextra
npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
Generate htmlextra report
newman run <collection> -e <environment> -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export <path>
Path: filename -> htmlextra/report.html
Open htmlextra/report.html on your browser
Install newman-reporter-allure
npm install -g newman-reporter-allure
Generate allure results
newman run <collection> -e <environment> -r allure --reporter-allure-export <path>
Path: folder contains allure results -> allure/allure-results
Install allure-commandline
cd <path-of-allure-results>
npm install -g allure-commandline
Generate allure report
allure generate <path>
Path: folder contains allure report -> allure-report
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