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Adding statically-checked writefln.
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PhilippeSigaud committed Jan 29, 2012
1 parent 0b27b78 commit 0588e2d
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Showing 2 changed files with 255 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions templates_basics.tex
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Expand Up @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ \subsection{The Eponymous Trick}\label{eponymous}
But, you will ask, what if I want client code to be clean and readable by using the eponymous trick, when at the same time I need to internally create many symbols in my template? In that case, create a secondary template with as many symbols as you need, and expose its final result through a (for example) \DD{result} symbol. The first template can instantiate the second one, and refer only to the \DD{.result} name:

\index{secondary template}
module record;

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255 changes: 254 additions & 1 deletion templates_examples.tex
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Expand Up @@ -1804,7 +1804,260 @@ \subsection{Expression Templates}\label{expressiontemplates}
\section{Statically-Checked Writeln}\label{staticallycheckedwriteln}
\TODO{As an intro to compile-time parsing, for a limited (!) domain-specific language.}
This is an example of verifying a limited (!) Domain-Specific Language (DSL) at compile-time in D. The goal is to take a format string for \stdanchor{stdio}{writef} or \stdanchor{stdio}{writefln} and to check the arguments' types before passing them to \DD{writef}(\DD{ln}).
For example, when writing:
writefln("For sample #%d, the results are (%s, %f)", num, name, f);
We know that \DD{\%d} means the argument must be an integral type, \DD{\%f} asks for a floating-point type and so on. That means in the previous sample, we know that:
\item There must exactly 3 args, no more, no less.
\item The first one must have an integral type.
\item The second one can be of any type (more exactly, of any type that can be converted into a \D{string}).
\item The third one must be of some floating point type.
These four conditions can be checked at compile-time, that's what we will do here. I won't code the entire POSIX specification for \DD{printf}, table \ref{table:formatters} shows what will be checked.
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Formatter} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Asks For} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Equivalent Constraint} \\
\DD{\%d}, \DD{\%i} & an integral type & \DD{isIntegral} \\
\DD{\%u}, \DD{\%x}, \DD{\%X}, \DD{\%o} & an unsigned integral type & \DD{isUnsigned} \\
\DD{\%f}, \DD{\%F}, \DD{\%e}, \DD{\%E}, \DD{\%g}, \DD{\%G} & a floating point type & \DD{isFloatingPoint} \\
\DD{\%c} & a char type & \DD{isSomeChar} \\
\DD{\%s} & any type & \DD{isAnyType} \\
\DD{\%\%} & not a formatter, just the '\DD{\%}' char & no check \\
\caption{Standard formatters recognized by \DD{cwrite}}
For those interested in the details, \href{}{this Wikipedia article} makes for a nice reference. Note that not all formatters are implemented in \std{stdio}, for example the \DD{\%p} formatter for \D{void}\DD{*} pointers seems not to work.
Most of the previous typechecking templates are in \std{traits}: \DD{isIntegral}, \DD{isFloatingPoint}, \DD{isUnsigned} and \DD{isSomeChar} are already implented in Phobos. The only one left is \DD{isAnyType}, a quite complacent template:
module isanytype;
template isAnyType(T)
enum isAnyType = true;
The only way for it to fail would be to give it a non-type.
Continuing with the previous chapters' example-driven development, here is what I want to obtain (\DD{cwritefln} stands for checked-\DD{writefln}):
module usingcheckedwrite;
import checkedwrite;
void main()
cwritefln!"For sample #%d, the results are (%s, %f)"( 0, "foo", 3.14); // OK
// NOK: bad number or args: waited for 3 args, got 2.
// cwritefln!"For sample #%d, the results are (%s, %f)"( 0, "foo");
// NOK: arg #3 of type double does not verify check isFloatingPoint
// cwritefln!"For sample #%d, the results are (%s, %f)"( 0, 3.14, "foo");
Now, given a formatting string, the first thing is to extract the formatters and construct the constraints list. Here I'll use a string mixin and just need to build a string representing the desired final code:
module getformatters;
import std.conv;
import std.traits;
string getFormatters(S)(S s) if (isSomeString!S)
dstring ds = to!dstring(s);
bool afterPercent = false;
bool error;
string result = "alias TypeTuple!(";
foreach(elem; ds)
if (error) break;
if (afterPercent)
switch (elem)
case '%':
afterPercent = false;
case 'd':
case 'i':
result ~= "isIntegral,"; // integers
afterPercent = false;
case 'u':
case 'x':
case 'X':
case 'o':
result ~= "isUnsigned,"; // unsigned integral
afterPercent = false;
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'g':
case 'G':
result ~= "isFloatingPoint,"; // floating point
afterPercent = false;
case 'c':
result ~= "isSomeChar,"; // char
afterPercent = false;
case 's':
result ~= "isAnyType,"; // any string-convertible type
afterPercent = false;
/* flags, width, */
case '+':
case '-':
case '#':
case '.':
case ' ':
case '0':
case '9':
error = true; // Error!
if (elem == '%') afterPercent = true;
// Get rid of the last comma:
if (result.length > 17) result = result[0..$-1];
// finishing the alias code
result ~= ") ArgsChecks;";
if (afterPercent // finished the string but still in "afterPercent" mode
|| error)
result = "static assert(0, \"Bad format string: \" ~ a);";
return result;
It's quite a long sample, but the logic behind it is straightforward: it iterates on all characters and looks for \DD{\%x} patterns. I included here a basic treatment for flags and such, but as I said earlier, this example does not deal with the entire POSIX specification: the goal is \emph{not} to validate the formatting string, but to extract the formatters. When it determines the string is malformed, the generated code will be a \D{static assert}.
So, at the end, we get ready-to-be-mixed-in strings, like these:
"alias TypeTuple!() ArgsChecks;" // no formatter
"alias TypeTuple!(isIntegral,isAnyType,isFloatingType) ArgsChecks;" // the previous example
"static assert(0, \"Bad format string: %s and %z\");" // Bad string
Once the tuple of checks is done, we need a template that verifies each argument in turn with the corresponding template. To get a better error message, I use an \D{int} template parameter, to count the number of args checked.
module verifychecks;
import std.conv;
import std.traits;
import std.typetuple;
import isanytype;
import getformatters;
template ArgsChecks(alias a) if (isSomeString!(typeof(a)))
template VerifyChecks(int which, Checks...)
template on(Args...)
static if (Checks.length != Args.length)
static assert(0, "ctwrite bad number of args: waited for " ~ to!string(Checks.length)
~ " args, got " ~ to!string(Args.length) ~ ".");
else static if (Checks.length == 0) // end of process
enum on = true;
else static if ({ alias Checks[0] C; return C!(Args[0]);}()) // recurse
enum on = VerifyChecks!(which+1, Checks[1..$]).on!(Args[1..$]);
static assert(0, "cwrite bad arg: arg #" ~ to!string(which)
~ " of type " ~ Args[0].stringof
~ " does not verify check " ~ __traits(identifier, Checks[0]));
The \DD{Verify} template is another example of a double-decker template, as seen in section \ref{templatesintemplates}, to get a nice calling syntax:
Verify!(0, isIntegral, isFloatingPoint).on!(int, double)
The most subtle part is on line 19:
else static if ({ alias Checks[0] C; return C!(Args[0]);}()) // recurse
We want to apply the first checking constraint, \DD{Check[0]}, on the first argument type, \DD{Args[0]}. Halas, the D grammar does not allow the following construct:
else static if (Checks[0]!(Args[0])) // recurse
The standard way to do this would be:
alias Checks[0] Check;
// and then
else static if (Check!(Args[0]))
But that would put a \DD{Check} symbol in the template local scope, therefore breaking the eponymous template trick. It'd be possible to define a \DD{VerifyImpl} template (see section \ref{impltrick} on page \pageref{impltrick}), but using a local delegate works as well:
{ alias Checks[0] C; return C!(Args[0]);}()
The \DD{\{...\}} part defines the delegate and \DD{()} calls it, returning either \D{true} or \D{false}. This is then inserted inside the \D{static if}.\footnote{ Now that I think about it, that trick could be inserted in the Eponymous Templates section\ldots}
Anyway, once the checking code is done, the rest is easy:
module checkedwrite;
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import verifychecks;
void cwritef(alias a, Args...)(Args args)
if (isSomeString!(typeof(a))
&& VerifyChecks!(1, ArgsChecks!(a)).on!(Args))
writef(a, args);
void cwritefln(alias a, Args...)(Args args)
if (isSomeString!(typeof(a))
&& VerifyChecks!(1, ArgsChecks!(a)).on!(Args))
writefln(a, args);
Usage is then as shown in page \pageref{usingcheckedwrite}.
\section{Extending a Class}\label{extendingaclass}
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