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Adding Bjorn's example for mixin templates.
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PhilippeSigaud committed Feb 2, 2012
1 parent e889cf7 commit 3cd62dc
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Expand Up @@ -954,6 +954,262 @@ \subsection{Mixing Code In}\label{mixincodein}
\aparte{Limitations\index{mixin templates!limitations}}{ Mixin templates inject code at the local scope\index{scope!local scope}. They cannot add an \D{invariant} clause in a class, or \D{in}/\D{out} clauses in a function. They can be injected into an \D{invariant}/\D{in}/\D{out} clause.}
\subsection{Mixin Example: Subscriber and Stack}
This example comes from Bj\"{o}rn Lietz-Spendig, who was kind enough to allow me to use it there. Thanks Bj\"{o}rn!
We will define two mixin templates \DD{Publisher} and \DD{Stack}, the first one implementing a subscription/unsubscription engine, the second providing the standard stack operations (\DD{push}, \DD{pop},\ldots). I'd like you to notice two important things here:
\item D allowing local imports, \DD{Publisher} imports the machinery necessary for it to function: \stdanchor{functional}{toDelegate} and \std{stdio}. Local imports really allow D template mixins to provide a nicely wrapped functionality as a coherent whole.
\item \D{alias typeof}\DD{(}\D{this}\DD{)} (here called \DD{Me}) is also a nice feature to remember: the mixin will 'look around', get the local \D{this} type and can then provide generic ready-to-be-used code.
module publisher;
mixin template Publisher()
import std.stdio;
import std.functional: toDelegate; // to simplify client code.
// See module usingperson
alias void delegate(Object sender, string event) CallBack;
alias void function(Object sender, string event) CallBackFun;
bool[CallBack] callBacks;
//Register subscriber
public void register(CallBack callBack)
// Ensure subscriber is not yet registered.
if (callBack in callBacks)
writeln("Subscriber already registered.");
callBacks[callBack] = true;
// Register Subscriber via function ptr.
public void register(CallBackFun callBackFun)
// Remove Subscriber
public void unRegister(CallBack callBack)
if (callBack in callBacks)
writeln("Trying to remove an unknown callback.");
// Remove Subscriber via function ptr.
public void unRegister(CallBackFun callBackFun)
// Notify ALL Subscribers
public void notify(Object from, string evt)
foreach (CallBack callBack, bool b; callBacks )
callBack( from, evt );
mixin template Stack()
alias typeof(this) Me;
static Me[] stack;
bool empty()
return stack.length == 0;
int count()
return stack.length;
void push(Me element)
stack ~= element;
Me pop()
Me el = peek();
stack.length -= 1;
return el;
Me peek()
if ( stack.length == 0 )
throw new Exception("Peek() on an empty stack.");
Me el = stack[stack.length-1];
return el;
Now that the mixins are defined, we can inject them into any structure with a defined \D{this}. Here we will use classes to show that mixins are inherited:
module person;
import std.stdio;
import publisher;
class PersonStack
private string name;
private int age;
// Our Mixins
mixin Stack;
mixin Publisher;
//class methods are available too!
register ( &MsgReceiver );
// Push
void add(string name, int age)
// Create new instance for the Stack.
auto person = new PersonStack(); = name;
person.age = age;
// Notify all subscribers
notify(person, "Push");
void remove()
auto person = pop();
notify( person, "Pop");
// Subscriber method
void MsgReceiver(Object sender, string msg)
auto p = cast(PersonStack)sender;
writefln("Subscriber: class method, Name: %s, Age: %s, Message: %s \n",, p.age, msg);
* DeveloperStack is like PersonStack: a Stack and a Publisher
* In other words both mixins are inherited too. Please View DevDraw()
class DeveloperStack : PersonStack
private bool isDeveloper;
// Push
void add(string name, int age, bool isD)
// Create new instance for the Stack.
auto person = new DeveloperStack(); = name;
person.age = age;
person.isDeveloper = isD;
// Notify all subscribers
notify(person, "Push");
* PERSONSTACK Subscriber functions
void DrawBarChart(Object sender, string msg)
auto p = cast(PersonStack)sender;
writefln("Subscriber: DrawBarChart, Name: %s, Age: %s, Message: %s \n",, p.age, msg);
void DrawPieChart(Object sender, string msg)
auto p = cast(PersonStack)sender;
writefln("Subscriber: DrawPieChart, Name: %s, Age: %s, Message: %s \n",, p.age, msg);
void Draw(Object sender, string msg)
auto p = cast(PersonStack)sender;
writefln("Subscriber: Draw, Name: %s, Age: %s, Message: %s \n",, p.age, msg);
* DEVELOPERSTACK Subscriber functions
* contains additional --isDeveloper-- information.
void DevDraw(Object sender, string msg)
auto p = cast(DeveloperStack)sender;
writefln("Subs-DevDraw, Name: %s, Age: %s, Is Developer?: %s, Message: %s \n",, p.age, p.isDeveloper, msg);
And now we can use the stacks to our heart's content:
module usingperson;
import person;
void main()
auto p = new PersonStack();
auto p2 = new DeveloperStack();
p2.add("Olga",28, true);
p2.add("Nana",28, false);
p.add("Hans", 42);
p.add("Fred", 35);
p.add("Xaver", 22);
p.register( &DrawBarChart );
p.register( &Draw );
p.unRegister( &Draw );
p.add("Bjarne", 55);
If you run the previous code, you'll see that a \DD{DeveloperStack} inherits the mixins from \DD{PersonStack}.
\section{\DD{opDispatch}} \label{opdispatch}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion templates_intro.tex
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ \section*{Thanks}\label{thanks}

As soon as I publicly released this document, D community members gave me help, suggestions, corrections, and code samples. This is cool to see a D network emerge and people participating in common projects. The following people helped me:

Andrej Mitrovic, Justin Whear, Zachary Lund, Jacob Carlborg, Timon Gehr, Simen Kj\ae r\r{a}s, Andrei Alexandrescu.
Andrej Mitrovic, Justin Whear, Zachary Lund, Jacob Carlborg, Timon Gehr, Simen Kj\ae r\r{a}s, Andrei Alexandrescu, Bj\"{o}rn Lietz-Spendig.

Thanks guys!

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