- A working libvirt/kvm installation on your computer, including virtinst;
- Ansible installed on your computer;
- About 5 GB of available disk space and 500 MB of RAM for the VM;
- This repository.
To install the requirements on Debian Sid (instructions are probably similar with other distributions):
# apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virt-manager virtinst ansible
# sudo adduser <your user> libvirt
Instructions to set up a development server using the Ansible configuration from this repository:
- Create a new virtual machine with Debian Wheezy by running './preseed/ dlfp-dev'
- Ensure the virtual machine is reachable using SSH
- Put the IP address of the virtual machine in the 'hosts' file in this directory.
- Run 'ansible-playbook -k -i hosts site.yml'
- Follow the instructions from the repository to create the first user.
- Profit!
Description of the available Ansible roles:
- common: common stuff to have ansible work as expected.
- base: base configuration for the linuxfr server.
- img: the image cacher.
- linuxfr: the actual web site.
Some variables are defined in vars/default.yml, you can override them by host or using a group. Have a look at the Ansible documentation.