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Reading subdialogue VoiceXML parameters

Jean-Philippe Gariépy edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

First, make sure you understand the Implementing a subdialogue example. The following example will show you how to read the parameters sent to a subdialogue using the <param> VoiceXML element:


<subdialog name="twoNumbers" src="dialogue">
  <param name="promptText1" value="Enter a number" />
  <param name="promptText2" value="Enter another number" />

We are going the obtain the subdialogue parameters by declaring variables in the first output turn of the dialogue:

VariableList parameters = new VariableList();
parameters.addWithString("promptText2", "Enter a number");

Note that the variable declaration can contain an initial expression. In this case, the expression will act as the default value of the parameters. This is shown above with the promptText2 parameter.

Those declaration must be included in a Script turn:

Script script = new Script("get-parameters");

This turn is then executed and the subdialogue parameters are available as properties of the jsonValue:

VoiceXmlInputTurn inputTurn = DialogueUtils.doTurn(script, context);
JsonObject parameterValues = (JsonObject) inputTurn.getJsonValue();
String promptText1 = parameterValues.getString("promptText1");
String promptText2 = parameterValues.getString("promptText2");

Running this example

You can download or browse the complete code for this example at GitHub.This is a complete working application that you can build and run for yourself.

You can also clone the Rivr Cookbook repository and checkout this example:

git clone -b subdialogue-implementation-voicexml-parameter [email protected]:nuecho/rivr-cookbook.git

Then, to build and run it:

cd rivr-cookbook

./gradlew jettyRun

The VoiceXML dialogue should be available at http://localhost:8080/rivr-cookbook/dialogue

To stop the application, press Control-C in the console.