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Closed Dec 8, 2022 100% complete

Core features should be refined. Begin code refactors & work on extra functionality like a simulator, built-in flags, etc...
Most notably, implement selectors + reducers + actions to make the communication between the modals and nodes less cumbersome as well as checking out winbox.js for editor windows.
Have a proper UI/UX designer give their input, and s…

Core features should be refined. Begin code refactors & work on extra functionality like a simulator, built-in flags, etc...
Most notably, implement selectors + reducers + actions to make the communication between the modals and nodes less cumbersome as well as checking out winbox.js for editor windows.
Have a proper UI/UX designer give their input, and start work on using Electron or React-Native to run an offline cross-platform desktop version.

This milestone is closed.

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