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Neumair Günther edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 1 revision

This simple demo captures audio from a microphone and runs a single model. The default model listens for the wake word Sheila and outputs a ding upon detection. You can change the model by setting the --graph and --labels parameters.

This demo takes one or more models as input. You can define commands containing multiple models and keywords.

mDetector.add_command("marvin,on",light_on) mDetector.add_command("marvin,stop",stop)

This is an example of how multi-detection can be used. It implements two commands: <marvin,on> and <marvin,off> The commands are used to switch a Sonoff smart socket which has been flashed with the Tasmota firmware. and

Sometimes you may want to run multiple big models but your hardware is just not powerful enough. This example shows how to stream audio features from a lightweight capturing device to a powerful machine. This uses only 3kbit/s of bandwidth.

WARNING: Not usable yet. This example is still in development and is meant to verify speakers when a command is detected.